Typical Monthly Events

Everyone is invited to join us at these events but please note there may be changes from time to time so it is best to check the monthly page before attending. For further information please contact mail@welshsociety.com.

Sundays: 2nd Sunday of the month: Bilingual Church Service. The exception is in November when the Service is on the Sunday of the Welsh weekend.

Mondays: 1st Monday of the month for Board Members only: Executive Meeting at 7:00 pm

Mondays: 2nd and 3rd Mondays of the month the Red Dragon Folk Group meet at 7:00 pm

Mondays: 3rd Monday of the month: Welsh speaking group meets at 10:30am.

Mondays: 4th Monday of the month: Volunteer working party: 10:00 am till 3:30 pm.

Wednesdays: 2nd Wednesday of the month: The Bookclub meets at 12:00 noon

Wednesdays: 3rd Wednesday of the month: Genealogy Group meets from 10:30 till 12:30

Thursdays: Welsh Language lessons. Most but not all Thursday evenings from 7 to 9 pm. The schedule varies and details are shown here.

General Meetings: The dates of the General Meetings will be decided upon by the Executive. The AGM for year #1, will be held in February of year #2. E.g. the 2018 AGM will be held in February 2019.